Rapid location and identification for launch success

LeoLabs is the first and only commercial provider proven to quickly locate and identify newly launched payloads.

Our 24/7 Global Radar Network delivers reliable tracking support during the critical first hours and days of new missions to LEO. We provide rapid assistance for payload location so you can quickly and reliably establish communications with your satellites well before they’re added to the public satellite catalog. For rideshare missions, our service also helps with payload identification to distinguish among the multiple satellites belonging to different owner-operators.




Coordination with your launch provider to obtain nominals and orbit insertion parameters.


Real-time conjunction screenings to optimize launch window opportunities.


Delivery of initial TLEs for your spacecraft within hours of launch.


Rapid identification on your payloads, even when deployed on crowded rideshare missions.  


Proven to help recover spacecraft unable to be contacted by their owner-operators.

In-House Expertise

Tailored guidance and advanced analysis from LeoLabs’ astrodynamics experts.

Mission-Critical Use Cases

  • Payload identification on rideshare missions to enable operator contact 
  • Collision assessment
  • Emergency launch support for missing spacecraft
  • NEI enablement

ready to operate in space with confidence?

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