
Real-time conjunction alerts for operational safety of flight

LeoSafe provides tailored collision avoidance services for satellite owner-operators.

Powered by our phased-array radar network, which tracks thousands of satellites, rocket bodies, and dangerous debris fragments, LeoSafe is the only commercially available service that provides critical conjunction alerts and risk metrics in real-time. Enhance your operational safety today with this one-of-a-kind service built on LeoLabs Vertex™, the world’s first vertically integrated commercial space operations stack tracking LEO at scale.

LeoSafe features

Continuous search and identification

Our Vertex system performs continuous search and identification of close approach events based on our radar tracking data and operator-provided ephemerides

Real-time conjunction alerts

Conjunction Data Messages (CDMs) are generated sequentially and delivered with latencies of only minutes

On-demand ephemeris screening

Perform customized conjunction screenings of candidate or “test” ephemerides against the live LeoLabs object catalog, with CDMs returned in less than 30 seconds

Enhanced secondary object support

Get increased sensor tasking (as available) and access to secondary object state vector and covariance information for high-risk events

External CDM integration

Ingestion of CDMs from the 18th Space Defense Squadron into our Vertex™ platform, with automatic conjunction event matching — search and view CDMs in a single location to make maneuver decisions

Comprehensive dashboards and reports

Tailored web tools, including Conjunction Analysis Reports with interactive data plots and visualizations for key event risk and trending metrics — understand how collision probability evolves over time and is sensitive to environmental factors

Turnkey system for spaceflight safety

LeoSafe is the most comprehensive service available for mitigating operational collision risk. Receive up to 400% more frequent conjunction event updates to make maneuver decisions with higher confidence.

Ready to get started?​

Contact sales@leolabs.space for more information.

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